rHEALTH is the product of multiple grand challenges, including ones with NASA and XPRIZE.
rHEALTH is the product of multiple grand challenges, including ones with NASA and XPRIZE.
We embarked on a mission to democratize biomedical diagnostics. Early on, we had to explain to everyone why and the importance of what we were doing. Today we don't. This is in part due to XPRIZE's shared vision to create devices that push the technological capabilities of current diagnostics and bring them to consumers.
We believe that our technology cannot be good without extensive external testing against standards as well as other innovations. And so, we deliberately pushed ourselves toward this activity in order to come to something that is valuable and useful. Throughout our participation in two XPRIZE competitions, the $2.25M Nokia Sensing XChallenge and the $10M Tricorder XPRIZE, our team and technology had to meet numerous deadlines, milestones, technology demonstrations, laboratory standards, and user experience criteria. In aggregate, the stringent requirements has given us invaluable experience, technology edge, and a core team dedicated to make this happen.
Personal diagnostics will unfold gradually, in a disease- and indication-focused manner. After successful participation in competition, we are in the unique position to make our solutions broadly available to help increase society's access to healthcare.
The future is what you make of it. This is firmly what we and XPRIZE believe. In fact, the competition introduced to the word, "visioneering," which is a portmanteau of vision and engineering. The competition goals were meant to be visionary, a guidepost for what the future may look like 10-20 years down the road. Our involvement had provided us the perspective to put the rHEALTH to work.
We are committed to deliver the next generation of the rHEALTH® system into the hands of consumers. It's about managing health and disease better and it begins with an integrated system that can sense the internal indicators. Our solution offers what has been missing in the wearable and digital health revolution—precision, biochemical blood-diagnostics.
In many countries, mechanisms for laboratory standard testing are in short supply. Even for developed countries with admirable healthcare infrastructures access may often not be timely, convenient, cost-effective, or reliable. The goal of the NSXC was to accelerate the availability of sensing technology for faster and easier means to get valuable health information that has been limited by the capacity of conventional testing. The rHEALTH® ONE was the Grand Prize Winner in the second round of this competition.
Left. The rHEATH® ONE, is a microvolume, biomarker analyzer with exquisite sensitivity and diverse applications. Right. Consumable. Device is limited by FDA regulation for research or investigational purposes only.
Few methods exist for consumers to receive direct medical care without seeing a healthcare professional at a clinic or hospital. The QTXP competition sought to address this access bottleneck. The goal of the competition is to develop a consumer-user device that is capable of diagnosing a set of 13 health conditions while also capturing key health metrics for any given user. The solutions enable consumers in any location to quickly and effectively evaluate health conditions. Our technology was one of five Finalists from over 300 teams worldwide based on judging, lab and consumer testing.
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*Device is limited by FDA regulation for research or investigational purposes only.
*rHEALTH devices are limited by FDA regulation for research or investigational purposes only.