Spend Time to Provide the Best Care
Give Immediate, Actionable Care to Your Patients
With rHEALTH, patients, providers, and payers can all win by saving lots of time and $ trillions.
How It Works for Providers
rHEALTH solutions work together with you to provide the optimal care for your patients. Think of Dr. rHEALTH as a resident physician who assists you in your daily and immediate care of patients. Dr. rHEALTH is ever present in the patient’s vicinity and allows immediate access to diagnostic, vitals, and first-line interpretation of results. Dr. rHEALTH provides these results, types your notes, including any recommendations for you to review, modify as needed, and approve, as required for billing. This helps you see more patients, more frequently, and with less work, resulting in care they deserve and with the time that you need.
Dr. rHEALTH Assists You in Patient Care
Dr. rHEALTH assists you in providing the best care for your patients. Using powerful diagnostics from the rHEALTH technologies, AI analytics, the best recommendations are proposed for the treatment plan. This way, you can review, bill, spend less time on paperwork, and provide the best care. This allows you to see patients more frequently and provide more care in the way you want it. This gives you time to provide care in the manner you want it.
Think of Dr. rHEALTH like a resident physician who can research optimal treatment plans, recommendations, and also does the work, including inserting notes, lab values, and other patient visit information directly into your electronic health record. All you have to do is to sign off on the recommendations. Since Dr. rHEALTH has access to vast databases of information from similar conditions and also the latest information in medical journals and online databases, the most accurate recommendations will be provided.
Review with Dashboards, Powerful Patient Analytics
Rich, patient-specific analytics, treatment recommendations
Dashboard to view status of devices, patients, Dr. rHEALTH recommendations
Pinpoint location determination for optimal geolocation treatment recommendations.
Patient list management for comprehensive view.
Provide the Best Treatment Plan, Automatically
The rHEALTH solution provides the best possible patient care. Immediate results, immediate recommendations. The most accurate, rapid test information is utilized in conjunction with the latest best practices in medicine, interpreted by Dr. rHEALTH, an AI doctor, who then provides the best care for your patient. No waiting, immediate results, and the best care.